From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

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Challenge: Regular expressions

Challenge: Regular expressions - C# Tutorial

From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

Challenge: Regular expressions

(bouncy music) - Let's try a programming challenge using what we've learned about regular expressions in .NET. So for this challenge, we're going to write a program that takes a US formatted date and re-formats it as a European style date. So in the US, we typically write dates in the form of the month first, and then a slash, and then the day, and then a slash, and then the year. So I'm going to run the finished version of the program, so you can see what the output of your solution to the challenge should look like. So here in my finished folder, I'm going to run my finished challenge in the integrated terminal. So when the program runs, I am prompted to enter a date to convert in the US format or use the word 'exit' to exit the program. So let's try using April fool's day of 2030. And I'll use a single month and day for this, so that's going to be 4/1/2030. And when I hit return, right? You can see that the reversed…
