From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

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Challenge: How many days?

Challenge: How many days? - C# Tutorial

From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

Challenge: How many days?

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Okay, let's try a programming challenge with what we've learned so far about working with dates and times in C-Sharp. So for this challenge, we're going to build a program that calculates how many days it's been since a particular date went by, or if the date hasn't gone on by yet, how many days until that day arrives? So let's take a look at the finished program so you can see what the results should look like and then you're going to build your own challenge. So in my finished folder for numbers and dates, I am going to run my finished challenge here. So I'm going to open up on this in the terminal and I'll run my code. All right, so when the program starts, I'm prompted to enter a date or the word exit to exit the program. So let's start with something simple. I'll end enter new year's day of 2015 which of course is January 1st. So I'll write January 21st, 2015. And you can see that when…
