From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

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Challenge: Files and directories

Challenge: Files and directories - C# Tutorial

From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

Challenge: Files and directories

(upbeat electronic music) - All right. It's time for another programming challenge. In this challenge, we're going to use what we've learned about files and directories to create a program that summarizes the contents of a folder. So let's take a look at the folder and here in the start folder under files I'll open up the challenge folder and there's a folder in here called file collection. And you can see that in here is a collection of different kinds of Microsoft Office files. We've got Excel files and Word and PowerPoint files. And the program that you're going to create for this challenge will scan this folder and produce a summarized report of the folder contents. So let me run my finished version to show you what the output will look like. And that is in the finished folder. So here's my challenge folder and here's the same collection in the finished example. So I'm going to open this up in my terminal. What I'm…
