From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

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Building a console application

Building a console application - C# Tutorial

From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

Building a console application

- [Instructor] In this course, I'll be demonstrating some of the more commonly used features of the .NET platform. In order to keep the focus on the platform features, I'll be using a console application as the vehicle for each chapter of the course. A console app is one of the simplest program types that you can build with .NET. These apps run in the system's terminal program and they work across Mac, Windows and Linux. So let's try first creating a console application. So here in VS Code, I'm going to open up the MyConsoleApp folder here in the Start folder of the Exercise Files. And I'm going to do this in the built in terminal. So I'm going to right click and choose open in integrated terminal. Now, if you're a not using VS Code, then you can just do this in the terminal app on your computer. Just open up your terminal program and go into this directory and follow along with me. So to create a new console app, I…
