From the course: C# and .NET Essential Training

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Basic .NET data types

Basic .NET data types

- [Instructor] Before we start working with the .NET SDK, it's important to understand the basic data types that are supported by the platform and the difference between value types and reference types. .NET supports several built-in types. The integral numeric types include bytes, integers and long integers. Next are the floating point number types, such as float, double and decimal. The character type consists of a single text character. Boolean can be either true or false. And there are some built-in reference types as well, such as the string, which is a sequence of characters, and the object type, which represents a complex object in memory. Now, this is not an exhaustive list of all the detailed data types in .NET, but it represents most of the types that you will usually work with. And as I mentioned, there are both value types and reference types. Value types directly contain the value that they represent.…
