From the course: C Essential Training

Using the exercise files - C Tutorial

From the course: C Essential Training

Using the exercise files

- [Instructor] The exercise files for this course are included with your membership. Copy the exercise files to a location where you can find it on your system. I've copied it to the desktop on this system. Wherever you put it, just make sure you can find it. The exercise files are organized into chapters, which correspond with the chapters in the lesson videos. Each of the chapters contain C files for following along with the exercises in that chapter. These files are C console applications. See the instructions in the next chapter for compiling and running these programs with popular Windows and Mac development environments. These files are compatible with any modern C development environment, including Xcode, Microsoft Visual Studio, GCC, Clang, or any modern compiler or integrated environment that supports the C 20 standard. The exercise files are here to make your learning experience easier and more powerful. Take your time, experiment a lot, and happy learning.
