From the course: C Essential Training

Learn C

- [Bill] Hi, I'm Bill Weinman, and welcome to C Essential Training. The goal of this course is to provide you with a working knowledge of C . We'll start with the basics, including syntax, operators, loops, and functions. I'll explain how to use data structures and create your own functions. I'll show you how to create classes and objects. And finally I'll cover the fundamentals of templates and the C standard template library, which provides a wealth of containers and algorithms. For in-depth coverage of templates in the standard template library, please see the companion course C Templates and the STL. And for more detail on functions, classes and objects, please see the companion course, C : Advanced Topics. C is not just a powerful programming language, it's also the basis of many other popular languages, so this knowledge will serve you well even when you're not using C . So let's get started with C Essential Training.
