From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Why are some business processes bad?

Why are some business processes bad?

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Why are some business processes bad?

- A bad business process is so frustrating. It doesn't matter if you're a customer or if you're the employee, a bad business process can drive you crazy. Why exactly are some business processes so bad? And how did they get that way in the first place? A few reasons include assumptions, ambiguity, miscommunication, misalignment. In some cases, the goals seem so obvious, we just make assumptions, for example, often, companies assume customers want the lowest cost. It sounds right, so we don't question it, but in fact, our customer may want great products and great service, at the lowest possible cost. We focus so much on low cost, we make decisions that weaken our products and services. Lazy companies jump to conclusions. The best companies take the extra time to challenge their own assumptions, and they discover the true goals of their business processes. Another reason might be ambiguity. Has there ever been a product you loved? You saved up for it, you went to the store, and then…
