From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Technique: Manage your scope

Technique: Manage your scope

- At this point, you're probably thinking, I thought I was just trying to improve a business process. How am I supposed to accommodate every stakeholder and every one of their goals? There's no way I can do all of this on time and within my budget. You're probably right. Look, the stakeholder analysis is vital to success. But it can get overwhelming very quickly. This is what we call scope creep or scope inflation. What you need to do is take the result of your comprehensive stakeholder analysis and start to establish a hierarchy of priorities. What are the most important things to consider? Which of these goals can we actually accomplish? And what we afford on our budget? Sometimes, you can even create a two-stage process improvement project. In this iteration of improvement, we'll fix five essential things. Hopefully, that's enough to give our process stability, and then perhaps in six months, we can launch a second phase of improvement to address the next set of important issues…
