From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Solutions that work for real people

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Solutions that work for real people

- People are important. Every good change agent needs to remember the people in the business process, the customers and the employees. Let's look at the emotions you'll need to consider throughout your business process improvement engagement. Let's start at the beginning. If you're called in as an outsider to help, don't expect to be greeted with open arms. Often a senior executive has asked you to help another lower level manager. This may be embarrassing or frustrating for that manager. Remember you're there to help. Listen and be patient even when they are less than friendly. Next consider the employees in the process. They're stressed and frustrated by the broken process. At the same time, they're nervous that your solution may displace them and strangely, this bad and frustrating business process might be their job security. They are the only reason the process hasn't completely fallen apart. They are important. As you develop solutions, they may feel threatened. They'll surely…
