From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Process implementation plan

Process implementation plan

- Good ideas are useless. I can give you a list of books that you must read. Classes you should take, places you must visit and companies you should start. They might all be good ideas, but unless I can convince you to follow through, we won't have a chance at a positive result. In our example, your personal improvement project, you want to become VP of marketing within five years. Perhaps, part of the recommended solution is taking classes in social media. Sounds like a good solution, but what can be done to motivate you to act? As a change agent, it's vital that you remember this. You must develop solutions that will be adopted and implemented. Some of the groundwork for adoption should have been laid during our feedback loops with the client. The rest, though, you need to develop and sell to the decision makers. You'd be surprised by how many novice change agents develop solutions that sound really great, but they don't provide a step-by-step plan for making that solution a…
