From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Present state of business process

Present state of business process

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Present state of business process

- Finding the desired state of a process is hard. To do it right takes a lot of time and effort, and it can be stressful for all involved. But if it's done properly, well then, it's a lot easier to find the present state of the process. For example, if you're the improvement project, you may have said that your five year goals are becoming the VP of marketing at a tech firm, having a net worth of $1.5 million, and living in a three bedroom home near your favorite city. That is your desired state. So, what's your present state? Well, what's your job today? What's your net worth presently? Where do you live right now? This not only provides us starting and ending points, it establishes the size of our task. Sometimes you'll find your client is demoralized and embarrassed. They just asked for so much and now they realize how far there is to go. Other times, this exercise is like a jolt of electricity. The light bulb goes on. Until this moment, we never thought about our goals. We didn't…
