From the course: Business Process Improvement

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- A great solution that fits the organization and provides value. They're in, they're ready to move forward. So, be sure you are immediately ready for their approval to move forward. Have the implementation plan ready with deliverables that will allow you to begin almost immediately. Sometimes the organization will do the bulk of the implementation. If so, be ready with a detailed report that not only provides the research and data that you used to develop the solution, but also contains an easy to follow and detailed account of your improvement plan. Weeks or months from now, when you're gone, will their team know what to do? Have you thought about all the possible bumps that they might hit along the way, and did you provide them recommendations for getting past those bumps? How will the client know if the new and improved process is successful? Have you left them with metrics that can be used to gauge success? In a way, your final report needs to be like a good business process. It…
