From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Investigate, research, analyze, and share

Investigate, research, analyze, and share

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Investigate, research, analyze, and share

- You've now scoped your improvement project, so it's time to get to work. It's now time to begin your investigation. You need to investigate the present process in a more detailed fashion. Find the strengths and weaknesses in relation to the desired state. What are some possible ways to eliminate the weakness? New technology, employee training, a new facility. As we work towards a solution, we'll then want to research those technologies, training, and facility options. Coming up with ideas might be easy but making those ideas fit our timeline and budget, that could be difficult. A good change agent analyzes a number of options to see which is the best fit and remember, a good change agent seeks feedback. As you investigate strengths and weaknesses, as you consider options for improvement and resource requirements, you must remember to share your progress and listen to their feedback. Again, let's try and understand the real life complexity of this. Let's return to our example. The…
