From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Importance of business processes

Importance of business processes

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Importance of business processes

- Without reliable business processes, growth and success are difficult, if not impossible, for companies to achieve. Since a business process is a reliable documented business recipe, it allows an organization to produce consistent products or services. Consistency may sound a bit boring, but in fact, in business, consistency brings comfort to employees and customers. Think of some of your favorite places to get food or coffee. Think of your favorite places to shop. Which are your favorite service organizations? You love them because you know whenever you show up, you know what to expect. Maybe you can't count on the weather or traffic, but you know where to get coffee, a breakfast sandwich, and a smile. Customers keep coming back because they can count on the consistency. Employees become good at their jobs because of a reliable and documented business process that they were given. And once you've established and documented good business processes at one location, you might have the…
