From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Good processes with limitations

Good processes with limitations

- Even the best business processes have their limitations. Consider a great teacher, they might make learning fun and easy for a class of 20 students, but 40 students may be too many to handle. Great doctors are both helpful and comforting, but when a doctor gets too busy, patient outcomes may decline. The same thing can happen to a business process. A process may work well at helping six customers in an hour, but if demand exceeds eight customers in an hour, employees may get tired and irritated, mistakes may increase, customers may get frustrated with poor outcomes and long waits. If you work at a company that has experienced massive growth, perhaps your once reliable processes may now be failing. The process might still be good, but not in this new environment. Another issue to consider is the available technology and tools. Some processes can't be changed significantly. The steps in the process aren't the problem. The workload is what's hurting you. In these cases, the process may…
