From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Get their attention

Get their attention

- When it's time to sell your solution, just get to the point. Too many client presentations start at the very beginning. They go through the problem, the research, and analysis. They discuss different options. This is a surefire way to put the client to sleep. Your client probably knows most of this already, perhaps better than you. So don't put them to sleep. They came for one reason. They want to hear your solution. So that's where you start. Let me give you an example. Hi everyone. As your change agent, I learned a lot about your company, employees, and the importance of your business process. You really care about your customer satisfaction and fast processing times. As a result, here is the solution that we developed for you. So, as you can see in that short introduction, you told them about their values. And you then gave them a solution that exactly serves those values. What will the client think? Well, typically, they're two outcomes: One, I love this idea, I can't wait to…
