From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Flowcharts for development

Flowcharts for development

- You now have your finished business process and it's mapped out in an easy to read flowchart. So I guess you're done, not quite. Actually, your business process is not finished. It's time to involve your stakeholders. Remember, giving your stakeholders feedback is vital to any successful improvement project. Luckily, you have your business process mapped out with a flowchart. You can now talk to the stakeholders and let them see what you've developed. First, show them how you've worked to meet their needs. Demonstrate how this improve process helps them achieve their goals. It's never quite that easy. So perhaps you're stuck on one part of the process. Not only can you show them your predicament, they might actually have helpful advice. Will their be disagreements about the flowchart? You bet. But that's what this feedback tool is for. We want to have an educated discussion with stakeholders so everyone can understand the challenges and the trade-offs involved in improving the…
