From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Flowcharts for designing the improved process

Flowcharts for designing the improved process

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Flowcharts for designing the improved process

- One essential tool for anyone looking to improve a business process is a business process map or what most of us refer to as a flowchart. Flowcharts are great because different symbols allow us to see points of entry and exit into a process. Steps where stakeholder decisions might take us in different directions. And we have steps where we might exchange data or collect information. We also have symbols that notify us of deliveries, inspections, and even other processes that might be right in the middle of this process. There actually a number of other flowchart symbols too. But in reality whether you follow all of these flowchart conventions or not, the important thing is that a flowchart, any flowchart, is an excellent visual tool. For example, in our call center order process, a process designer can see all of the activities the customer will run through, all of the decisions, all the points where data will be collected, and how a customer might enter or exit the process. The…
