From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Discover goals and seek feedback

Discover goals and seek feedback

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Discover goals and seek feedback

- When I bought my first home, my real estate agent asked me for a location and a price range, that's it. He then took me to see about eight houses in about 90 minutes. He barely said a word during our first trip out. I was so confused, and maybe a little mad. After the last house, he turns to me and says so, you saw big houses, small houses, new houses, old houses, houses with nice kitchens or bedrooms, houses with pools and some without pools. So tell me, what do you want? Why didn't he ask me this before? Because he was smart enough to know that as a young first-time buyer, I had no idea what I wanted. I had no idea what was available. By showing me a range of possibilities, he helped me develop goals rooted in reality. Often as a change agent, you'll find that the client doesn't really know what they want. They don't know what they can ask for. By giving them a range of possibilities, it opens up a dialogue. You understand their needs and desires, and they aren't afraid to ask…
