From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Develop process solutions

Develop process solutions

- It's time for a solution. Perhaps after your thorough investigation, research, analysis, and feedback loops, a solution has made itself clear. And that would be great. But unfortunately, sometimes even after thorough investigation and research, coming up with a final solution might be difficult. Maybe you have too many good options, or maybe nothing looks like it'll work. Every improvement project is different. So here are some tips that you'll want to consider. First, are you an external change agent? If so, why did they bring you in as an outsider? Are you there because you're good at improving business processes, or did they want a fresh set of eyes? As an outsider, they might really want innovative thinking to push them in a new direction. For those that are specialists in improving business processes, don't get lazy. Sometimes change agents find one type of solution that works at one company, and then they try and use it on every improvement project. You owe it to your client…
