From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Case study: Stakeholders and goals

Case study: Stakeholders and goals

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Case study: Stakeholders and goals

- Let's suppose you're tasked with fixing an organization's call center process. This call center primarily takes customer orders for clothing, but it's having problems. Errors in orders, customer complaints, slow processing times. These might be just a few of the problems. So where would we start? Well, we first need to identify the stakeholders and goals, because they're at the center of every process improvement engagement. So let's start with our stakeholders. Who are the people that will be impacted by this process? Remember, we've been asked to improve a call center process, so our operators and the call center managers will be impacted, and so will the customers. But it goes far beyond just the caller and call center team. The information collected on that phone call will be important to the pickers and packers of the order and the delivery team. And if something goes wrong, our customer service team may get involved. During the phone call, data important to our marketing team…
