From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Case study: Desired state

Case study: Desired state

- So, we got some tips on being a good change agent, and we have some tools and techniques for designing and improving business processes. So now, we're ready to develop and implement a solution. In an effort to get you personally and perhaps emotionally invested, let's use you as our improvement project. You yourself are not exactly a process, but you'll see that the steps for improving a business process, a company, and a person are rather similar. In business, everything should begin with goals and stakeholders, and so this is where we start our improvement project. We list our stakeholders. We then begin to list what each stakeholder might desire to gain or achieve via this process. This may sound simple, but as the change agent, there's some things you must consider. For this example, let's say you hire me as your change agent or life coach. So, you are the stakeholder, and you want to improve yourself. Before we get to the goals, we'll establish a desired state by which the…
