From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Become a change agent

Become a change agent

- Improving a business process means that you're tasked with developing and implementing a solution. You're being given an opportunity to make a difference. You're like a business process doctor. So imagine you're the patient. You're sick and need the help of a doctor to get better. What would make you believe in your doctor? Patience; I want my doctor to listen. I'll probably be frustrated, sad, and irritable. Hopefully, they understand I'm looking for help. So, be patient. Next, ask questions. I don't want my doctor to make assumptions. I want them to ask questions and perform some tests. My health is important. I want them to be meticulous in learning everything they can about me. Don't jump to conclusions. Don't just say you have a cough and then give me a prescription. Figure out the root cause of my problems, and, if you're really sick, you'd like to see your doctor get creative. Perhaps I've already seen three or four doctors. I'm looking for a different point of view. Learn…
