From the course: Business Process Improvement

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Bad processes that used to be good

Bad processes that used to be good

From the course: Business Process Improvement

Bad processes that used to be good

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it. In our innovation-hungry society, that's a motto that will make your company look old and slow in a hurry. Even a good process can quickly look old and slow. And the crazy thing is that you aren't just fighting your competition. You're threatened by every company that your customers use. Think about the first time you were impressed by Amazon. Do you remember the first time you used Starbucks' app to preorder your coffee? In those moments, you didn't just wonder why other retailers and coffee shops weren't doing what Amazon and Starbucks were doing, you said to yourself, "This is the way "I should buy everything. "Clothes, food, cars, movies." Customers' needs and expectations are constantly changing. Your processes must constantly evolve in order to stay competitive. Another thing to consider is the value of your human resources. Sometimes companies lean heavily on a superstar employee. This employee is better and faster than anyone else in their…
