From the course: Business Analysis Techniques for Business Transformation

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Get to know your audience

Get to know your audience

- The delighted customer. You've probably heard the saying that customer-driven transformation starts with this, the end result. Yes, that's right, and this is part of your step zero B: get to know your audience. If this sounds like another one, "Ah, this is not me, not my role. I don't do psychometric or personality tests." I hear you, but here's the deal. Change is the game we're in, and what we transform directly impacts on people. While you don't need a full blown certification in psychology and behavioral science, it pays to understand what makes your stakeholders tick. Here's a simple yet effective checklist that you can follow which will help you build your customer perspectives and plan ahead. Number one, look at the transformation from your stakeholder's point of view. Just to recap here, that when we talk about stakeholders, we are talking about customers and end users, but we also ensure that we keep in…
