From the course: Business Analysis Techniques for Business Transformation

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Business process optimization for effective transformation

Business process optimization for effective transformation

From the course: Business Analysis Techniques for Business Transformation

Business process optimization for effective transformation

- Process optimization is a buzzword across every change and management consulting perspective out there. Every framework available has its method for optimizing processes. And sure, there are great benefits to Agile, Lean, Six Sigma and more, but you don't need to worry about getting your green belt in order to do fundamental business transformation. You do need to apply it consistently, effectively, and most of all, at pace. But I can show you a framework-agnostic way of approaching this step. In the previous video, we spoke about understanding the existing processes, finding out the repository, and getting your head wrapped around the current bigger picture. Let's call this our "as-is" state. Something that you'd often hear too is a "to-be" state. This is the optimized future process. Now, processes are important because they can be a source of value and competitive advantage for the organization. An inefficient…
