From the course: Business Analysis: Essential Tools and Techniques

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Setting up your traceability matrix

Setting up your traceability matrix

- [Instructor] To get our requirements traceability matrix started, go ahead and open a blank spreadsheet. I'd like to go ahead and already format it as a table, center the headings and stuff, so that it's easier to read. And just so you can see it, I'm going to make it bigger and hide some of the other columns, so we have just what we need. You don't have to do that, but I can find it helps me stay focused. Okay, so now that it's all done, we can get going. Our first step is to always start with why. So for many of us, that why starts with project goals, business objectives, and change deliverables. So I'll just type in the first column Project objectives since we have a project here. And then expand the column to fit. So our objective here now may be to simply upgrade the website. So I'll enter Website upgrade. And then I'll actually put a deliverable column so that I can track what is being delivered to achieve…
