From the course: Building Apps with AI Tools: ChatGPT, Semantic Kernel, and Langchain

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Generating sample data with ChatGPT

Generating sample data with ChatGPT

- [Instructor] Realistic test data can be hard to come by, making it difficult to test applications before they go live. This is especially true in regulated industries like healthcare or financial services, where data can be very sensitive. Let's learn how to solve these challenges with GPT-4. Let's head over to our code spaces. I'm in branch 05_01B and we're going to learn how to use GPT-4 to generate some test data. We'll be using LangChain, so we should already have it installed. To get us started, I've already created a pedantic person class and people list. What the person class does is have some first name, last name, and date of birth properties. And the people list has a list of people so we can map it correctly. Now, GPT-4 is going to help us generate a people list based on the person properties. So let's go ahead and do that. We're first going to create our model object. So we'll say model equals chat OpenAI…
