From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Text styles

Text styles

- [Narrator] Adding a new text style isn't all that difficult. There's just a couple things we need to look out for. What I'd like to do in this video is create an annotative aerial text style. Then I'll make sure it's actually annotative. To get started, I'm jumping in the AutoCAD Civil 3D. Again, you can be in MEP or just flat AutoCAD. Under my Get Started dialog, I'm going to click on Start Drawing. What I'm going to do now is create a new text style. What's nice is you don't have to remember the commands anymore. If we go to the Annotate tab, notice that we've got our text, we've got some options. What I want to do though is click on the little Properties button right here, the Text Style button. There's a bunch in here already, but that's okay. What I want to do is make a brand new one. So, let's go ahead and click on the New button right here. For the style name, I'm going to call this Custom Text. Now I'm going to click OK. Now we need to specify a font. I like to stay away…
