From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Setting variables through SETVAR

Setting variables through SETVAR

- [Instructor] What I need to do as I'm managing CAD is to create a custom set of rules for my company. I want that set of rules to automatically load each time someone opens a drawing. To do that, we're going to create our own list file. Once this file's created, I'd like to run you through the world of variables. To get started, let's jump into AutoCAD. It can be MEP, Civil 3D, or whatever variation of AutoCAD you have. Under Get Started, I want to click on the Start Drawing button, just to open up a blank default drawing. Now I want to go to the Visual List console. I'm going to type V, L, I, D, E at the command prompt. I'm going to click Enter. Now what I'd like to do is start a brand new file, so right up here, I'm going to click on the New File button. The first thing I want to do is type in a couple semicolons. Now I'm just going to type the word Training Video Autoload. You can type in your company here if you want. So what I've done is, I've actually commented out this block.…
