From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Internal mapping

Internal mapping

- [Narrator] Within AutoCAD, there's a ton of internal mapping. If you're in a shared network environment, you'll have to deal with how to map your system. In this video, I'd like to take a look at where we should map our files to. To get started, I'm going to open up my MEP Blocks file. I'm going to go to Open, I'm going to browse where I'm keeping my content, and I'm going to grab MEP Blocks. I'm going to do a Save As, but I'm going to save it as a template. So I'm going to go Save As, drawing template. Now this is bringing me to a directory I don't care to see, but that's fine. I'm going to go to where I'm keeping my exercise files, I'm going to go to Templates, I'm going to call this MEP_Template, with a capital T. I'm going to click Save, and the description is: "This is a work in progress," then I'm going to click OK. Now what I'm going to do is, I'm going to close out of here, I'm going to click Yes, I'll just save it one more time, now, I'm in my MEP template. So, I'm going to…
