From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Dimension styles

Dimension styles

- [Instructor] I'll tell you, I've seen quite a few different dimension styles in my day. In this video, I'd like to create a dimension style using a previously created text style. Since we're in the CAD Manager BIM Manager track, it's important that we adhere as closely as we can to the national CAD standard. So I'm going to jump into AutoCAD. It can be Civil 3D or MEP or flat AutoCAD. I'm going to go to Open files. Then I'm going to browse from where I'm keeping my exercise files. I'm go to grab my dimensions drawing. If you don't have this drawing, or you want to use your own, just go ahead and create a text style that you want. So to get started, I'll go to my Annotate tab. On my Annotate tab, I'm going to swing over to my Dimension properties right here, or my Dimension Style button. Similar to the text style, we have a couple styles already pre-made. That's okay. I'm going to click on New. For this I want to call it Custom Dimension. Now I'm going to click the dropdown. I'm just…
