From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Creating a template

Creating a template

- [Instructor Voiceover] Now that we have a few styles configured, we can set up a DWT Drawing Template. This is a pretty important step in the set up of your standards. It's important, but it's really easy. So I'm going to jump into AutoCAD and what I'd like to do is, I'm going to open up my Template Drawing that I had and it's a DWG file, not a DWT. Not yet anyway. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to come down here to Open Files. I'm going to browse where I'm keeping my drawings, and I'm going to grab Templates. Of course whatever you're working on, if it's not this, open that up. I'm going to Click Open. I'm going to get rid of some of these Leaders, so I'm going to click on the Remove Leader button, I'm going to select this and I'm going to remove that one, that one, that one, and that one. Right click and hit enter. I like that better. Okay. Now, we're simply going to do a Save As. So let's click the blue drop down, let's go Save As, but let's make sure we use Drawing…
