From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Adding to users' machines

Adding to users' machines

- [Instructor] The nice thing is, these palettes are exportable. What I'd like to do in this video, is create what's called an XTP file. This file will be used to update other people's machines. Again, let's jump into AutoCAD Civil 3D, and we're going to start a new drawing by clicking on Start Drawing under Get Started. Now, I'm going to go to my Tool Palettes. Now, I want to export this palette, so I'm going to right-click on it, and I'm going to go to Customize Palettes. Now, where I see Custom Palette, right here, I can select Custom Palette. I can right-click. I can export that palette. Notice that it says Custom Palette.xtp. Now I'm going to scroll to where I'm keeping my Exercise files. I'm going to go to my Content folder, and I want to make a new folder here, called Palettes. I'm going to click into here. Now, my firm has several different sites civil-type disciplines, so in here I'd break them down per discipline. But, for our instruction, I'm just going to keep it in the…
