From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Adding new pallets

Adding new pallets

- [Narrator] Okay now we can add some palletes. The palletes are going to be the Frontline stores location for content. Although these pallets can be put anywhere it's a good idea to place them in the appropriate categories. Here I'd like to jump in the AutoCAD so let's go to AutoCAD MEP 2017. And to get started let's go to, get started. And let's go to Start Drawing. Now on the Tools drop down right here I want to go to Content Browser. Make sure you're on the Home panel, Tools, Content Browser. Now in the Content Browser I want to scroll down to our Training Catalog, and click into this. Now in the Training Catalog what I want to do is I want to go into the Training-MEP. Now in the Training Catalog for MEP, I'd like to create a new palette in the current catalog. So click on create new palette, Now for the name, let's call it Training-Electrical. We don't need a description, I'll put myself as the publisher, I'm going to click okay. Now again, now I just add this is draggable. So we…
