From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Adding LISP routines

Adding LISP routines

- Apparently, palettes can contain quite a bit of stuff. What I'd like to do here is open up the custom user interface and drag on some commands. Let's jump into civil 3D. Under get started, I want to click on start drawing. This is going to open up with our template. Now what I'd like to do is click to tool palettes. I'm going to right click on this bar right here. And instead of customized palettes, I want to go to customized commands. We can drag any command that's available on to our tool palette. I kind of like my revision clouds so I'm going to click into here and type revision. I'll grab this revision cloud. There's some duplicates here. I'll click this one. I'll get the polygonal and the free hand one. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to click and drag these over. I'm going to pull them onto my palette. There they are. I can close out of my CUI. Now what's going to happen is this: because I dragged them on layer zero, they'll subsequently be on layer zero. If I draw them…
