From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Adding content

Adding content

- [Instructor] With our palettes set up for each discipline, we can start adding content. With this video, we're going to do a number of things. We're going to copy some standard content from other palettes, we're going to go into detail components, then we'll set up some text, drag that over as well. So, to get started, let's jump in to AutoCAD MEP 2017. Under get started, we're going to click on Start Drawing. The first thing I want to do is, I want to save this drawing file somewhere. This is going to be the main drawing file that we put all of our blocks in. I'm going to click the save button, and I'm going to browse where I'm keeping my content, and I'm going to call this MEP blocks. I'm going to click save. Now what I'm going to do is, I'm going to come over to my detail components. I get there by going to my home tab, then I'm going to detail components. Go ahead and click that. I'm just going to find any random block, I almost don't care what it is. Let's make it electrical…
