From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Adding commands to a palette

Adding commands to a palette

- [Voiceover] Seek and you shall find. The nice thing about palettes is the fact that we can create an entire set of blacks by simply right-clicking an object in Autodesk Seek, formally known as the Design Center, and making it happen. Let's jump into AutoCAD Civil 3D. What I'd like to do is just start a new drawing by clicking Start Drawing in the Get Started area. Now what I want to do, is I want to browse for a bunch of blacks. Again, what you would do is keep a file like we just made and put it somewhere on your server. For the interest of this lesson, I'm just going to use a sample file. To do that, I'm going to go to the Home tab. I have a palettes flyout, so I'm going to click my palettes dropdown and the second button in from the top left is Design Center or you could hit Ctrl 2. I'm going to select Design Center. Now what I want to do is I want to scroll into my C: drive. I'm going to go to Program Files then I going to expand Autodesk. I'm going to go to AutoCAD 2017. Now…
