From the course: BIM Manager: Managing AutoCAD MEP & AutoCAD Civil 3D

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Adding blocks

Adding blocks

- [Instructor] We can pretty easily add a block to a palette as well. The important thing is we need to know exactly where we're keeping the file that contains the blocks. Once we add a block to a palette AutoCAD will path that block back to the file. What I want to do is jump into AutoCAD Civil 3D under get started let's click on start drawing. I'm going to erase the text that's here. Now what I'd like to do is insert a block. Type I and hit enter. Now of course we can browse we can bring in blocks any other way. But just for simplicity purposes I'm going to grab one that's already in here. I'm going to click the drop-down, I'm going to scroll down to hydrant elevation. I'll specify on-screen for the insert point. I won't worry about the scale or the rotation. I'm going to click okay. I'm going to pick a point anywhere in my drawing. I'm going to hit escape a few times. I'm going to select the block, make sure it's on layer zero. Of course we can change that after we drag it on to…
