From the course: B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn for your B2B marketing efforts - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn for your B2B marketing efforts

- [Viveka] People still think of LinkedIn as a recruiting tool. But savvy and sophisticated marketers and modern sellers, know that LinkedIn, with its many branding and content features, make it a great tool for B2B marketing. Within LinkedIn, there is a massive opportunity for marketing and sales teams to create more conversations using the various content tools. So how can a B2B company best use LinkedIn in the creation and dissemination of their B2B content? And how do we enable our employees, marketing and sales teams, to use and amplify that content in a meaningful way? I'm Viveka von Rosen, Co-founder of Vengreso, the world's largest digital sales transformation company. Now I've been using and teaching LinkedIn for over 15 years. I've written three books on the subject, and I know just how powerful a tool it can be for B2B companies in their marketing efforts. I'll cover different LinkedIn content features and best practices for sharing your content. The hope is that, rethinking the way you use LinkedIn will increase your visibility, credibility, and result in more business for everyone. So let's get started.
