From the course: B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

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Target your exact buyer with Sponsored Updates and video

Target your exact buyer with Sponsored Updates and video - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

Target your exact buyer with Sponsored Updates and video

- [Instructor] If you're not getting the activity you expect from your posts, you can pay to sponsor them including your native videos. Now, there are several excellent courses on LinkedIn Ads in our LinkedIn Learning library but my tip is hypertargeting and split testing sponsored updates for better ROI. LinkedIn has several different types of content that you can sponsor or pay for through your company pages. To start off, let's get clear on your reasons and manage your expectations when it comes to investing in LinkedIn ads. It's highly unlikely that you're going to sell a 5,000 or even a $500 product or service through one text ad. When I use ads, it's really about creating awareness about a product, service or event and then educating my audience rather than trying to sell them something. I'd rather use ads to drive my audience to a sales page or a salesperson than try and use them to sell the product or service itself…
