From the course: B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

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Expanding your company network with InMail

Expanding your company network with InMail - LinkedIn Tutorial

From the course: B2B Marketing on LinkedIn

Expanding your company network with InMail

- [Instructor] LinkedIn InMails, both individual or sent through a corporate account, can reach B2B prospects outside of your existing network, the professionals that you really should be engaging with. Now one thing that drives me crazy is when someone sends me an InMail that is totally inappropriate to who I am or what I do, especially when they call me Mr. Rosen. And why do companies waste money by sending an InMail that's so generalized, it's irrelevant? If you're going to spend money on an InMail, then share something that the LinkedIn member will find interesting and take the time to research them. Take the time to read through your target's profile, pull some content you can reference specifically, and please get their name and gender correct. Above all, buy them a drink first. Now, what do I mean by this? Your first InMail to a prospect should not be a sales pitch. Share something of value with them that they don't…
