From the course: Azure Network Engineer Associate (AZ-700) Cert Prep: Design, Implement, and Manage Connectivity Services

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Choose peering types

Choose peering types

- [Instructor] You want to be familiar with ExpressRoute Peering Types for the exam, and we'll talk about configuring peering and routing more generally here in a moment, but let's first talk about the two types of peering in the world of ExpressRoute. There's Private peering and Microsoft peering. Both use BGP sessions to configure routing, to provide high availability. There are some key differences between the two you want to be familiar with, and it's mostly around the use cases. So all of your Azure services are categorized as Azure Public or Private to represent their IP addressing schemes. So in Private Peering we're focused on privately services. Azure compute, like IaaS and cloud services like PaaS, deployed within a virtual network. Private addresses, those can be connected through the private peering domain in ExpressRoute. The private peering domain is considered to be a trusted extension of your core network into Azure, and you can connect multiple virtual networks to the…
