From the course: Azure Database Administrator Associate (DP-300) Cert Prep: 1 The Azure Data Platform

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- The third open source database that's available through Azure's platform as a service is PostgreSQL. As your database for PostgreSQL is very similar in capabilities and features to Azure SQL Database. And if you already have an application built on Postgres, then this could be a good option for migrating that work to the cloud. All of our favorite benefits are here, high availability, automatic backups, automated service patching, and other routine maintenance tasks. You also get elastic scaling resources that can be deployed in seconds, security monitoring, and all of this comes without additional costs, and almost no maintenance required on your end. When deploying a managed PostgreSQL database server, you'll have your choice of either a traditional single server environment, or a new flexible server that provides additional scaling customizations, and the ability to stop, and start the server as demand allows. There is also a Hyperscale option that allows you to add additional…
