From the course: Azure Database Administrator Associate (DP-300) Cert Prep: 1 The Azure Data Platform

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Permissions and roles

Permissions and roles

- No principal user is allowed to do anything in a database, unless they're specifically given permission. There are a number of permissions that are allowed on securable objects within a SQL database. SELECT permission controls the ability for a principal to view the data contained within a table or a view object. INSERT and UPDATE controls whether a principal can add new data rows to a table or modify existing data. And DELETE controls whether a principal can remove data from a table. Other permissions to find what a principal can do with store procedures, functions, and other types of database objects. The ALTER permission will allow a principal to change the definition of an object. CONTROL will give the principal full authority over a securable, including the ability to delete it from the database. And EXECUTE will give a principal the ability to run stored procedures. There are other permissions for different object types within the database, but these are the main ones that…
