From the course: Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) Cert Prep: 4 Analytics Workloads on Azure

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Microsoft Power BI demo

Microsoft Power BI demo

- [Instructor] In this demo, let's visualize data using Power BI, and by the end of the video, we'll have a nice, new, shiny Power BI report. So, as you can see, I've already started up Power BI Desktop, and now I'm going to import three CSV files from the web. Don't worry, the URL for these three files will be available in the useful resources file at the end of the course. So let's go ahead and Get Data, and I'm going to choose Web, and I'm just going to paste in the URL to the customer's CSV file, and then I'm going to click OK. On the next screen, I'm going to choose to load the data. And, on the right-hand side, you'll see the customer's table appear within the field. There we go. So, next, let's do the same again for the product CSV file. So I'm going to copy the URL, I'm going to choose Get Data, Web. I'm going to paste the URL for the product CSV. Click OK. And again, I'm going to choose Load. And let's…
