From the course: Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) Cert Prep: 1 Core Data Concepts

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What are the different types of data analytics techniques?

What are the different types of data analytics techniques? - Azure Tutorial

From the course: Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) Cert Prep: 1 Core Data Concepts

What are the different types of data analytics techniques?

- Data analytics is made up of various tasks which includes analysis, collection, storage and organization of data. But it also includes all the tools and techniques which are used as part of it. Data analytics activities are categorized into at least four different categories. We have descriptive analytics, diagnostic analytics, predictive analytics, and lastly, prescriptive analytics. And this graph shows us that as we go from left to right, as these techniques become more complex, the added value is much greater. With descriptive analytics companies are trying to figure out what happened. Descriptive analytics helps give the answer to what happened based on historical data that you have available. And this tends to be where most companies start. Examples of descriptive analytics include generating reports to provide a view of a company's sales and financial data. Companies tend to have their data within a data warehouse.…
