From the course: Azure Data Engineer Associate (DP-203) Cert Prep: 1 Design and Implement Data Storage

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Implement data architectures, structures, and serving

Implement data architectures, structures, and serving

- [Instructor] Let's dive into the data architectures that you're going to experience as a data engineer on the Azure data platform. First, we have Big Data. This is one of the more common, more generic terms. And it refers to often using something that doesn't work on your laptop, right? That's what typically I think of when I think of Big Data. My laptop won't process it, so I need multiple machines. There's also DataOps, which is a newer term, which stands for operationalizing many aspects of data engineering, including running jobs, testing your data, transforming your data. So let's dive into both. First, we have Big Data operations. And so if we look at this, you can see that on the left here, we have cloud and on-premise, we have IOT streaming services, log files, business apps, all those things come into a stream ingestion service. And we have Kafka, we have IoT Hub, Event Hub. And as that's uploaded, you ingest…
