From the course: Azure Data Engineer Associate (DP-203) Cert Prep: 1 Design and Implement Data Storage

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Design for efficient querying

Design for efficient querying

- [Instructor] Let's talk through the design for efficient querying, which is a fundamental task for a data engineer. A data engineer can often want many different aspects of the pipeline combined together. And that's what we're going to cover in this next section. So first, what is this pipeline? What does it look like when you're designing a system for efficient querying? You have the data source somewhere. So you're dealing with this data and pulling it from, let's say an event or from some kind of a stream, you're then ingesting the data next. And then that ingestion phase is where you would go through and then later put it into a prep phase. So it could be storing it into a feature store or putting into a relational database or putting it into a data warehouse. Next you'll analyze the data. And once you've analyzed that data, you'll do some kind of consumption. So that consumption could be a machine learning model,…
